Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 247

I was supposed to be back in Colorado this morning.  But I'm not.  I'm still at home!
Mom and Dad took me to the airport last night around 6PM where we said our tearful goodbyes see-ya-laters.  I went through security and was sitting at my gate at Greensboro's PTI Airport when I heard the announcement that our crew for the plane was in the air and would be there in about 10 minutes, so boarding would be about half an hour delayed.  Alright, I thought, No big deal.  I don't have anywhere else to go.
So we started boarding, first class first, obviously.  Probably the 6th or 7th guy's ticket wasn't scanning correctly.  So they pulled him to the desk and started typing.  I could see it in the woman's face that something wasn't right.  Then, she picked up the phone to make an announcement for all of us standing in line to board.
Crrrrkk. Passengers flying to Cincinnati, can I have you attention please.  This plane has been overbooked and we're looking for one volunteer with flexible flight plans to give up their seat.  We'll be giving you a $400 travel voucher and will try to get you to your destination tonight.  If we can't, then Delta will be paying for your hotel and meals and we'll get you out first thing tomorrow morning.
She probably said more, but I was walking to the desk before she was even done saying all of this.  I was supposed to be working on Tuesday at my job with Nestle but had received a call as I sat down at the gate that I wasn't needed Tuesday (today).  I was the only person volunteering to give up my seat and I was so excited.  It was Mom's birthday yesterday when all of this was happening so I called my parents and told them to turn around and come and get me.  We had another 18 hours together.
I don't believe in coincidences.  God always has a plan.
So today, before we went back to the airport, I had to get one more picture of our dogs.  Well, my dog Maddie and her/my dad's dog, Buddy.

My sweet girl.  She's perfect.  And a diva.

Buddy.  Oh Buddy.  He's a very sweet and loving dog, but he's just not all there.  He chases planes...

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